
30 Days To Balanced Living

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Daily stressors can throw our lives out of wack and keep us from the balance that we all desire. Situations at work, with family members of difficulties with your personal finances can leave you spent, worn out and susceptible to illness.

The 30 Days to Balanced Living blog is our way of helping you get balanced. Jacquie Hood Martin will share her wealth of knowledge and expertise in the art of balanced living. Start the journey with Jacquie today in this ever important challenge — 30 Days to Balanced Living.

Welcome to the 30 days to balanced living. There are no words in which to express how excited I am to share with you the laws to living a balanced and fulfilled life. Each day we take on challenges that we have never experienced before, however, we use the same methodology and thought processes. It is my hope and prayer of faith, that during these next 30 days you will find the path to your clarity and allow yourself to be from clutter and chaos, and enjoy the calm that is available to you.

– Jacquie Hood Martin, Author, Fulfilled! The Art & Joy of Balanced Living.

Join the iBalance Me online community to begin your journey into a life of balanced living.

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