Books by Jacquie Hood Martin

Coming soon from Rev. Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin:
The Vision Led Church: A Lesson In Strategic Planning
Dr. Jacquie speaks loud and clear on the issues facing the church today. In a sincere, yet matter of fact way, she highlights the nuances that plague the church and stifle the work of the people. Strategic planning is needed in the church today in order to move the masses forward toward the work that God intended.
Read to discover:
- How to have open dialogue with your membership
- How to speak to your church leaders about substantive change
- How to navigate the waters during turbulent times
- How to advance the work in a multi-generational church
- How to lead effectively without alienating everyone
- and so much more …
There is nothing more powerful than a ‘vision-led’ church. Pre-Order your copy of Rev. Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin’s “The Vision Led Church” today.
Get more information about this upcoming title here.
Wedded Bliss! A 52-Week Devotional to Balanced Living
Nothing worth gaining or maintaining has ever come easy. So for the next 52-weeks you will be engaged in practices of reading, writing, and reflecting. And yes, at times the dreaded application of what you are learning. Each day for 45 weeks you will be guided by spiritual words of meditation to help facilitate a new perspective toward love and marriage. The devotionals are written to equip, enable, and empower you toward a life rooted and grounded in the Word of God.
The words of empowered living written on the pages in this book are designed to help you focus your thoughts and reap the benefits of a balanced, fulfilling life in your marriage and committed long-term relationship. As you read and journal you will find many ways in which to fall in love with yourself, your mate, your children, and in-laws. The more you know about how you think, what you feel, the ways you will respond to various situations, the better able you are to navigate through life’s maze. The Marital Moment excerpts from Hood Martin’s personal life experiences will engage you, stir you, and cause you to re-think how you and others relate to one another. Discover through these teachings…
• How to live again!
• How to love deeply!
• How to communicate effectively!
• How to let God remain first in your marriage!
Every day you will find hope for your present situation. You will receive healing from your past experiences, and you will discover ways to lay a foundation for a spiritually prosperous heritage. Create a marital legacy of love to display before your children that they may pass it on.
Fulfilled! The Art and Joy of Balanced Living
The stress of feeling unfulfilled and as if your life is not of value can be a serious detriment to your physical, financial, emotional and spiritual health. But you are not alone in your quest for peace of mind, comfort, and overall well being. God’s word will enlighten, inspire and encourage you to keep the faith in your journey toward joy everlasting. Jacquie Hood Martin shares the wisdom of God as revealed through her personal and intimate experiences. You will discover for yourself how to find balance to manage life’s everyday encounters while…
- Learning to see your life the way God sees it despite your past
- Learning to embrace the promises of God and claim them as your own
- Discovering the key to having a thankful attitude
- Discovering the joy of living in harmony with yourself, family and friends
- Seeking to soar above life’ s tragedies and excel in all that is yours to achieve
Every child of God is entitled to the best that God has to offer. You will find yourself reveling in the love God has for you as you successfully balance your faith and future. Jacquie includes helpful tips and life changing tools founded on scripture giving you a road map to finding your own joy and fulfillment toward living a balanced life.
Advance praise for Fulfilled!
“When I think about all the times I have frustrated myself, trying to make things happen because I wanted them to happen, I see now how to do things differently. We need a spiritual revival and renewing of our minds to live according to the ways of God.” |
O. Anderson,
NBC Affiliate, Dallas, TX“I have often felt unworthy to do things and participate in the church and community. I now see that my experiences may well help. I am moving each day toward fulfillment in my life.”
Charmaine Nash
“Only God can explain why things happen. In Fulfilled! I have discovered the importance of living each day to the fullest. And for that I am grateful.” |
Everett Mickelson“I have often made mistakes as it relates to decision making. I have decided as the Law of Commitment indicates to acknowledge God before making any decisions about my life. I am going to put God first and wait on Him.”
Gwen Lardy
ORDER TODAY Fulfilled!: The Art and Joy of Balanced Living Paperback at Amazon.com
Order Fulfilled!: The Art and Joy of Balanced Living for the Amazon Kindle or for the Kindle App now available on your favorite devices through Kindle Direct Publishing for $.99 [Offer available for a limited time. 12/29/15 – 01/05/16]