
30 Days Of Balanced Living: Day 5

  |   30 Days of Balanced Living, Balanced Living, iBalanceMe   |   No comment

As you may now realize, balanced living begins with you cultivating a personal relationship with yourself. You must accept your ability to get ready, in order to be ready, when the times comes to make a move. Trust me, it is too late to prepare for readiness in the season that is meant to be for doing! You hold yourself back. In addition to developing that bond with yourself, you may have noticed that your perspective on things can determine the outcome. Think about this one question… “If you had known then, what you know now, what would you have done differently?”

The first law in my book, Fulfilled! The Art and Joy of Balanced Living, is the Law of Perspective. And, in an effort to move forward, sometime you have to go back, in order to get back, what you left behind. It could be the missing piece that you need to transition smoothly into the next phase of your life’s design. Your going does not need to be a physical visit, but possibly a mental one. We can each think of a few things, in our wake of imbalance, that we wish we had held onto more dearly. You may have left behind your faith, your courage, your testimony, your voice, or perhaps plans for your future. Either of these can serve as another dynamic of your personality or character or traits about yourself to be placed in your Balanced Living Toolkit. But, it takes a person with a level head, to see the subtle nuances of schemes wrapped in an otherwise seemingly perfect package. Yet, it is all about perspective.

We should at times question, how some things come across our path. There is an old adage ‘if it seems to good to be true, then it probable is.’ Well how can one tell?

  1. Instinct – You had a feeling. You know that thing you just can’t put your finger on, but given enough time, you hit the nail on the head with your observation.
  2. Ulterior Motive – The person that brought it to you was suspect. There are some people who no matter how much you want to trust them, it just never works out.
  3. Past Experience – You have been down that road before and got trapped. So you now recognize when you are being sold a false bill of goods.

Both the Laws of Readiness and Perspective help to spur you on to doing what is naturally to come next on your journey. When you consider all that you have been through, you can finally say that the time has come to get things into the proper perspective and put matters in order.

Welcome to Day 5!

Challenge Questions: What has been the most memorable event in your life? How has it shaped you as a person?


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