
What’s So Amazing About Grace

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Tuesday, February 22, 2010

John 1:16 (New International Version)

From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.”

At any given moment a series of events can have a life-changing impact on us, both directly and indirectly. In recent history and the not so distant past, we can all recall a place and time of an event that sent shock waves around the world. Just recently while in Dallas for the 2010 NBA All-Star game, the drive proceeded down a road that gave me an eerie feeling. At that moment I said to the group in the van “Isn’t this the path that the car took when JFK was shot?” Immediately we began talking about how that one event changed our lives.

The Tsunami, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the Earthquakes of California, Venezuela, and Haiti, all have helped us put like in perspective. The photo above was taken in Memphis, TN when I visited for the 40 Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. So much happened that day, that even today we cannot fathom what the witnesses encountered and the images that are forever seared into their minds. Today, take a moment to reflect on your life, and put your remaining days to good us for His kingdom.

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